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Windlesham Village Infant School

Windlesham Village Infant School

The School Day, After School Clubs

7.30am – 8.20am

Breakfast Club by Complete Coaching

8.20am - 8.30am

School doors open and children are welcomed by their class teacher

8.30 am – 12.00noon

Morning session
(Break time is at 10.30am)

12.00 noon - 1pm Lunchtime

1.00pm – 3.10pm

Afternoon session


School finish time

3.10 pm - 4.10pm/6.00pm After School Care by Complete Coaching

Doors open at 8.20am for prompt registration with the class teacher at 8.30am.

Reception arrive and leave at the front of the school. Year 1/2 children arrive and leave school via the back entrance.

Mid-morning, all children are offered a healthy snack of fruit or vegetables and a drink, followed by a short break in the playground.

Lunchtime is from 12.00 noon - 1.00pm. Cooked school lunches are prepared in our own kitchen or children can bring packed lunches from home. Free play takes place after lunch and before the afternoon session begins.

Parents/carers should collect their children from the correct pick-up area at 3.10pm. The back entrance gate will be open from 3.00pm.

Our school opening times mean children are expected to be in school for a total of 32 hours and 30 minutes each week. 

Play time

We have different areas in the playground and a variety of equipment to use.

During the year, children may take on the role of ‘Playground Pal’. Playground Pals help encourage friendship and games, making sure no-one feels alone.


We hold whole-school assemblies which take a different format and theme each day. Assembly time gives us the opportunity to emphasise our core school values and introduce the children to Christian and other world faiths.

Monday: Values Assembly
Tuesday: Singing Assembly
Wednesday: PSHE Assembly
Thursday: RE Assembly
Friday: Celebration Assembly

After-school clubs/activities

We offer a broad range of extra-curricular activities after school organised by teachers and outside agencies. These are advertised via the website and school newsletter and are bookable using the links below.

Clubs start back for the Autumn 2024 term w/c 9th September 2024 and end w/c 9th December 2024.





Monday Playball (Yr 1 & Yr2)





Payment via ParentMail



Terri Jayne Street Dance Booking Details


Thursday Gymnastics Booking Details 3.10pm-4pm


Football Booking Details 3.10pm-4pm